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Recent Posts:
- Recruiters give unfair deal to non-white job seekers
- Workplace diversity is just a PR stunt, claim employees
- Frightened gay stars who live a secret double life
- Council scrap ‘discriminatory’ loyalty pay
- Bishop out of step with his gay marriage protest
- Do you remember? Pregnant mothers’ moan about Olympic ticket blunder for babies
- Smile..even when it’s not World Happy Day!
- What’s the answer to the age old problem of discrimination?
- Equality laws (by themselves) do nothing but make do-gooders feel smug
- Big Brother really is watching you
- A smile and kind words makes work a better place
- New discrimination help service
- Workers don’t trust bosses over their mental health
- Police face the sack because they are too old for the job
- Fairer inheritance rules for unmarried couples
- Human rights hijack by minority groups is ‘nonsense’
- Bid to stamp out transgender bullying at school and work
- Not all men and women are equal in church despite new law
- New job laws could undermine years of fighting for equality
- Forgotten inner city whites complain about inequality – New Study
- Cleaners, cooks and carers win landmark equality ruling
- How happy are you? Probably a 7, according to Whitehall
- When pay equality laws really mean a 10% gender gap
- EHRC speaks out for more human rights laws
- Blowing the whistle of racism in football
- Banks accused of unfairly snubbing mums for mortgages
- Christian hoteliers lost bid to reverse gay bed share ruling
- Ricky Gervais apologied in storm over ‘abusive’ tweets
- Guys grope me on the Tube, says transgender woman
- Spending cuts roll back women’s equality, claims campaign
- Britain can’t manage without better leadership skills
- Scandal of the workplace equality ‘blockers’
- Sacking slackers – watching government at work
- Brits are happier at home than as ex pats, says EU survey
- Shabby treatment of disabled highlighted by ombudsman
- Comic Relief cash shows mental health stigma is no joke
- Cordell case spurs call for workplace disability support
- Galleries and museums brush minority shows aside
- Jobs law change does little to protect workers
- Forced retirement at 65 is officially abolished
- It’s legal, but is agency law work round ethical?
- Get smart over using smartphones at work
- Machismo men need to promote gender equality
- Bosses put on the spot about women directors
- How behaviour insights can change attitudes
- Unions tackle equality issues to attract minority recruits
- Why workplaces need a social media strategy
- Rooney Rule urges soccer clubs to play fair
- Equality champion mucks up job advert
- Council told to scrap diversity surveys
- Women gain equality at work…but only in losing their jobs
- Charity called for scrapping of ‘meaningless’ EHRC
- Men will dominate boardrooms for another 70 years
- Record number of employers looking abroad for staff
- Big Brother might be watching… but you may never know
- Tribunal hears Britain’s first caste discrimination case
- Age diversity study reveals old workplace rivalries
- Disabled find council machines too taxing
- Travellers evicted by gipsies claim discrimination
- Spider-Man comics plots are no longer just black and white
- FA kicks off hunt for more diverse coaching staff
- Only 7% of incapacity claimants are unfit to work
- Law firm publishes partner and staff diversity data
- Family ties are the biggest problem for working mums
- Google’s looking for scientists with the G-factor
- Professional women find more success working overseas
- Judge to decide if housing benefit cuts are fair to minorities
- Does diversity management measure up to the talk?
- Religious laws are too confusing, complains EHRC
- Gossip about gays is not always discrimination, says judge
- EU wants more women directors for big businesses
- Judges reject care case challenge backed by EHRC
- London Pride marchers call for LGBT support
- Google takes pride in promoting equality
- Shame of pubs and clubs that don’t support equality
- Tougher sanctions to tackle religious bigots
- Lazy managers accused of neglecting older workers
- Employees really are sick of work…and their bosses
- Unfair bosses and recruiters don’t do the job for minorities
- 85% of mentally ill complain of discrimination
- Give your views on how equality is working
- Finding an accessible home online
- Employers focus on ‘retiring’ older workers
- BBC slammed for diversity failings
- Working together to iron out the wrinkles of retirement
- Will Sullivan be hammered for backing Britain?
- Women are secret victims of spending cuts
- Mental health issues for workers depress bosses
- Slapdash email reference was unfair to employee
- Regulator wants to tighten rules on women in boardrooms
- Workplace affairs that are too hot to handle
- Ageist youngsters resent working with the over 60s
- Electrician’s cross in van sparks row with employer
- Minister urges transgender community to set equality agenda
- Public sector has to consider equality duty
- EHRC funds home care test case at Supreme Court
- Long-term unemployed thrown on the job heap
- Witch sacked for casting a spell on car heater
- Health and safety ruling is a smoking gun for employers
- Let’s look after the carers, urges support group